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Hare på isen / Rabbit on the ice |
Hej! Jag jobbar på ett kryssningsfartyg och fotograferar platser som jag besöker. Du som tittar in, lämna gärna en kommentar eller en hälsning av något slag:)
Hi! I'm working onboard a Cruising Ship and I use to pothograph places that I visit. It would be nice if you, who visit my blog, would leave me a greeting of some kind:)
Hi! I'm working onboard a Cruising Ship and I use to pothograph places that I visit. It would be nice if you, who visit my blog, would leave me a greeting of some kind:)
fredag 20 januari 2012
I väntan på lite mer vinter / Waiting for the winter
En skidtur på isen, Tennäs, Pargas mars 2011 / A skiing tour on the ice, Tennäs, Pargas March 2011
21600 Pargas, Finland
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Waiting for winter?
SvaraRaderaLooks pretty cold to me.
Are these frozen lakes or just snow on land?
Hi Faure!
SvaraRaderaThese pictures are from last year, 31.3. and five weeks later some children were already swimming in the water... :)
We haven't got this much snow now.
This is the Sea and in the pictures we are skiing on the ice just outside the shore. You can see some islands, too.
I was not sure. Looks flat like it could be frozen water, with small islands, but I do not know snow, or your part of the world, therefor my question. We have some flat countryside in places, that if covered with snow will look as flat as in your photos.
SvaraRaderaNice photos, make one feel the cold.
About swimming in the water 5 weeks later- your children
a) like cold water - or
b) do not know some people have hot water in their homes
Your part of the world is very different to what we know here in the heat of Africa.
Thank you, Faure, and thank you for your comment!
SvaraRaderaAt the time we were on this skiingtour, ice was already quite weak in some places, so we had to be a bit careful about where to ski.
Spring came very quickly last year and we got a hot summer. However, in the beginning of May, when some children already were swimming, the water couldn't have been warmer than around +5 degrees. I remember it well because I was sitting on the beach amazed over that I actually had been skiing only a few weeks ago :)